
How to Develop a Growth Mindset to Achieve Great Success in Sales

Why sales pros need to adopt Growth Mindset

Sales is a tough field.

The stress of meeting targets, adapting to market changes, and handling the constant pressure can be overwhelming for sales professionals.

Due to this many sales professionals feel stuck, believing their abilities are fixed and unchangeable.

That’s where the power of Growth Mindset comes into play.

By adopting a Growth Mindset, sales pros can successfully deal with rejection, stress, and competition in sales.

And achieve lasting success in sales in their sales career.

What will you learn from this webinar?

In this webinar you will learn :

  • Powerful techniques to reshape your mindset and embrace sales challenges.
  • Strategies to enhance your productivity and efficiency.
  • Learn to overcome fixed mindset barriers that hinder your growth
  • Personalized daily practices to foster a continuous Growth Mindset.

The Speaker:

Aditi Surana - High performance coach & Behavioral analyst

Aditi is an award-winning high-performance coach for 1000+ CXOs with specialisation in behavioural assessment, productivity & growth mindset.

She has been a TedX speaker, and coach to the Femina Miss India Beauty pageant.

She has led transformative coaching sessions for leaders in big corporate houses like Discovery, IBM, JSW, Tata Motors, etc.

Founder of APT – India’s only mental fitness gym

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