What companies get wrong about ICP
Many businesses think they have got their Ideal Customer Profile right
but in reality, they have just created a wishlist of customers they want to work with.
Also many a times they get think that ICP creation is a one time activity.
What will you learn from this webinar?
In this webinar you will learn :
- Learn the ICP creation process beyond just demographics.
- Understanding the difference between TAM, SAM, SOM & ICP.
- Business issues ICP solves.
- Should you have 1 or more ICP.
The Speaker:

Pavan Gupta - Sr Sales Consultant at Sales & Profit
Meet Pavan Gupta, a distinguished Sales Consultant and Trainer with a rich background in B2B sales, spanning 13 years with companies like Telstra, Orange, and IBM.
Pavan has revolutionized sales strategies for technology companies across multiple industries – from Telecom to IT/ITES and BFSI, driving substantial growth and operational clarity.
With a deep understanding of customer behaviour and sales processes across various regions, Pavan’s approach places the customer at the core of business strategies.
His belief that addressing the customer journey is paramount for long-term success makes him the ideal speaker for our webinar on defining the right Ideal Customer Profile.