How to Identify Sales Burnout in Your Team (8 Steps to Prevent It)

an image representing sales burnout

Table of Contents

What is Sales Burnout?

Sales burnout isn’t merely feeling tired after a busy week; it’s a state of prolonged exhaustion caused by the unique pressures faced by sales professionals.

It’s a condition characterized by emotional, physical, and cognitive strain that leads to decreased productivity, poor morale, and even increased turnover rates.

Burnout can happen to anyone, but high achievers and those with Type A personalities may be more susceptible.

The Effect of Sales Burnout on Sales Reps (My Personal Experience)

As a seasoned sales leader, I’ve witnessed first-hand the insidious nature of burnout, and the toll it can take on even the most accomplished individuals.

Let me share an example from my own experience that shows the seriousness of this issue.

Several years ago, one of my top-performing Sales Rep began showing subtle signs of burnout.

What initially seemed like a temporary dip in productivity unfolded into a deeper struggle.

The decline in calls made, meetings scheduled, and deals closed was concerning for me.

This stellar salesperson, who once constantly hit his target, now found himself grappling to make even 20% of the assigned quarterly target.

This usually reliable team member started taking impromptu mental health days, extending weekends, and, on occasion, calling in sick.

The enthusiastic attitude that defined him was replaced by —negativity, impatience, and cynicism seeped into their interactions with clients and colleagues as well.

It wasn’t until I took a more proactive role in understanding his challenges that I discovered the hidden struggle with burnout.

The signs were there—withdrawal from team activities, a lack of motivation, and a persistent sense of hopelessness about meeting sales targets.

In the following sections, we’ll delve into the signs of sales burnout, exploring its impact on individuals and insights on how to prevent and combat this pervasive issue.

Stay with me as we unravel the layers of sales burnout and work towards creating a workplace that nurtures success while prioritizing the well-being of our sales professionals.

Some Stats Related to Sales Burnout

Signs a Sales Rep is Facing Burnout

Burnout tends to creep up gradually, with subtle symptoms emerging before it becomes full-blown exhaustion.

As a sales leader, you need to be proactive and watch for these early warning signs in your team:

1. Decrease in productivity​

One of the first red flags is a decline in your top salesperson’s productivity.

They may not be making as many calls, setting as many meetings, or closing as many deals as usual. 

You’ll see their key performance metrics dropping across the board.

Where they once hit 125 calls per week, now they struggle to make 50.

2. Being more absent at work

If a normally reliable sales rep starts calling in sick more often, taking impromptu mental health days, or extending weekends and holidays, it could reflect their need for a break.

For some, this absenteeism is an attempt to cope with burnout symptoms.

3. Changes in attitude

A major shifts in attitude, such as a positive rep becoming negative, cynical, or impatient with clients can signal impending burnout.

You may notice them withdrawing from team conversations, avoiding colleagues, or speaking critically about the company.

Their enthusiasm for the job will disappear.

4. A decline in sales performance

One of the biggest indicators is a continuous decrease in sales results.

Despite past high performance, the burnt out salesperson struggles to meet quotas or hit sales targets.

You’ll notice them consistently underperforming and failing to deliver numbers as expected.

5. Lack of motivation

Low motivation is both a symptom and a cause of burnout

Sales professionals who were once driven by passion and ambition may find themselves feeling disinterested or uninspired by their daily tasks.

They’ll do the bare minimum to get by.

6. Getting irritated easily

Burnout will cause salespeople to have less patience and restraint in difficult situations.

Reps may find themselves easily frustrated by minor setbacks or challenges, leading to conflicts with colleagues, clients, or even loved ones outside of work.

7. Withdrawal from team activities

As burnout takes its toll, sales professionals may begin to withdraw from team activities or social interactions within the workplace.

They may avoid team meetings, skip company events, or isolate themselves from colleagues, further exacerbating feelings of loneliness and disconnection.

8. They start to feel hopeless

Feelings of hopelessness and despair are common among sales reps experiencing burnout.

Reps suffering from burnout often verbalize feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or doubtful about their abilities.

You may hear them say things like “I’ll never hit my sales target” or “No matter what I do, I can’t close this account.”

9. Changes in work habits

Watch for dramatic changes in your salesperson’s work habits and behaviours.

They may adopt less efficient methods, procrastinate on important tasks, or exhibit disorganized behaviour that deviates from their usual work routines.

10. Physical symptoms

The toll of burnout isn’t just emotional; it will also affect their physical health.

Sales professionals may experience :

  • Feeling tired
  • Insomnia
  • Headaches
  • Muscle tension
  • Digestive issues
  • Fatigue
  • Or other physical symptoms exacerbated by chronic stress.

11. Not able to concentrate

Mental exhaustion makes it hard for burnt out salespeople to concentrate or focus.

You’ll see them get easily distracted, forget important information, or lack attention to detail.

Simple tasks become daunting.

12. Reduced customer engagement

As burnout sets in, sales professionals may struggle to maintain meaningful connections with clients or prospects.

They may lose interest in speaking with customers, building relationships, or going the extra mile to meet customer needs.

This lack of engagement can impact client retention and overall sales performance.

13. Resistance to feedback/coaching

Salespeople suffering from burnout tend to be indifferent or resistant to performance feedback and coaching.

Constructive criticism that was once welcomed now elicits a defensive, dismissive, or irritated response.

They will become stubborn in their ways.

14. Quality of work goes down

Beyond just productivity, burnout also negatively affects the quality of a salesperson’s work.

Reports, presentations, and client communications will decline in detail, accuracy, and professionalism.

Customer service and follow-through also suffer.

15. Increased conflict

Irritability and low patience means salespeople experiencing burnout often clash with colleagues and managers.

Tension mounts as they become sensitive to criticism and pushback.

You’ll notice more arguments and less team harmony.

16. Withdrawal from professional development

Lack of interest in career growth is a warning sign.

Being a sales professional myself for 35 years, I know how important is professional development for sales pros.

Salespeople pull back from participating in skills training, workshops, industry conferences or other development opportunities that could benefit their career trajectory.

17. Reliance on substances

Some burnt out salespeople turn to alcohol, prescription meds, or other substances to cope with work stress. (These can happen in extreme cases).

But, an increased dependence on substances, even caffeine, is a troubling sign.

18. Difficulty disconnecting from work

Burnout blurs the boundaries between work life and personal life, making it challenging for sales professionals to disconnect from job-related stressors even during off-hours.

Constantly thinking about work or checking emails outside of work hours can prevent individuals from fully relaxing and recharging.

19. Expressing cynicism about job/company

Feelings of disillusionment and cynicism towards one’s job or company are common among individuals experiencing burnout.

Sales professionals may express negative attitudes towards organizational policies, leadership decisions, or the overall direction of the company due to feelings of frustration and disillusionment.

20. Lack of initiative

Where they once showed initiative in solving problems and suggesting improvements, now the burnt out salesperson does the bare minimum.

They may become risk-averse, sticking to familiar routines rather than exploring new approaches that could drive success and growth.

You’ll also notice them avoiding additional responsibilities and relying on others to step up.

21. Tries to avoid any responsibilities

Individuals grappling with burnout may shy away from taking on responsibilities or accountability of their work.

The fear of failure or inability to cope with existing workload pressures can lead them to avoid challenges.

You’ll also see them avoid taking any leadership roles within the organization.

But I’ve also seen that many a times an individual performs better alone rather than in leadership roles.

22. Changes in sleeping habits

The impact of burnout on sleep patterns is significant; individuals may experience insomnia due to racing thoughts related to work stressors or excessive sleeping as a means of escaping reality temporarily.

Due to such disrupted sleep patterns, you might notice them feeling sleepy or dull during the working hours.

Reasons Sales Reps Burnout

Sales burnout doesn’t happen overnight.

It’s the result of prolonged, unmanaged stressors that gradually wear people down.

As a sales manager, being aware of these common causes can help you detect issues early and mitigate burnout.

1. High pressure and stress

The sales profession is inherently high-stress due to constant demands to meet ever-increasing performance targets.

Reps operate under immense pressure to continually

  • Prospecting for new leads
  • Close deals
  • Retain clients
  • and achieve quotas

All while delivering excellent customer experiences.

Missed goals and lost commissions translate directly to lower earnings.

This relentless drive for results coupled with the emotional labour of always being “on” creates an environment ripe for stress.

Salespeople encounter regular rejection, critical evaluation of their efforts, and the looming threat of being deemed underperforming.

Even small failures are magnified.

Without adequate downtime to recharge, the burden of sustained high pressure eventually becomes overwhelming.

Physiological stress symptoms like headaches, insomnia, and anxiety manifestations set in.

Unchecked, this constant state of heightened pressure inevitably leads to mental, physical, and emotional depletion known as burnout.

2. Setting unrealistic targets

While challenging sales goals can motivate strong performers, there’s a tipping point where targets become demoralizing.

When quotas and performance metrics are set at unrealistic or unattainable levels, sales reps operate in a perpetual state of disappointment.

Constantly missing the mark – no matter how hard they work or how many hours they put in – breeds feelings of inadequacy and failure.

Rather than being galvanized, reps become despondent that their best efforts will never measure up.

These impractical expectations also force salespeople to prioritize short-term transactional behaviours over building long-term customer relationships.

The single-minded focus on chasing numbers above all else causes great mental strain.

Reps sink into a self-perpetuating cycle.

As discouragement festers, productivity and performance decline further, making the unrealistic targets even more unattainable.

This sense of failure and inability to achieve their goals is incredibly demoralizing over time.

3. Lack of autonomy and control

Top sales talent thrives when empowered to employ their unique skills and creative problem-solving abilities.

But overly rigid processes, policies, and excessive manager micromanagement can lead to feelings of being shackled and stifled.

When salespeople lack autonomy and control over their territories, solutions, schedules, and overall workflow, they feel disrespected and distrusted.

The inability to adapt their approaches and lack of independence diminishes their sense of ownership over outputs.

This strips away motivation.

Additionally not taking the sales reps inputs while target setting, quotas or building strategies makes them feel unimportant

The lack of inclusivity disconnects them from the “why” behind their work, causing apathy and detachment to set in.

4. Inadequate rewards and recognition

In the high-stakes sales world, reps sacrifice tremendous amounts of time and effort to drive revenue and growth.

When those intensive efforts aren’t proportionally rewarded through compensation, commissions, or heartfelt recognition, it breeds resentment and burnout.

Top sales performers are inherently motivated by financial and social incentives.
If they feel the rewards are lacking – that they’re being under-compensated and underappreciated – disillusionment rapidly takes over.

Similarly, when genuine recognition and praise aren’t provided, salespeople begin to question if leadership truly values their contributions.

The human need for having one’s work validated goes unsatisfied.

So as a sales leader not only the big wins but also the micro achievements should be recognized.

Not necessarily only through compensation, but small actions like team dinners or appreciation in front of the whole team.

5. Poor work-life balance

The sales profession has long been known for its demanding schedules that bleed into personal time.

Reps often feel obligated to work nights, weekends, and be available 24/7 to chase leads and close deals.

When work dominates and there’s no true “off” time to recharge, the lack of work-life balance takes a major toll.

This relentless work mode without proper rest and recovery leads to physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion.

Burnout is the inevitable result when sales reps can’t strike a healthier equilibrium.

6. Toxic work environment​

Even for driven salespeople, a toxic workplace culture can zap motivation and create chronic stress.

Some examples that promote toxic work environment are:

  • Lack of transparency
  • Playing the blame game
  • Micro-Management
  • Politics and Favouritism
  • Neglecting Employee Feedback
  • Lack of Teamwork
  • Zero Tolerance for Mistakes
  • Hostile Competition
  • Workplace Bullying

Conditions like these make it difficult for reps to thrive.

They begin to question their commitment as they lose trust and confidence in leadership.

Being a Co-Founder of Sales & Profit, I always take extra care that the value systems of each team member is right (including me).

So that any toxicity can be avoided.

We also encourage open and transparent communication and welcome any feedback.

By fostering an environment that treats every team member with dignity, we can prevent a toxic work culture.

7. Lack of support from senior leaders

In many sales organizations, sales reps don’t receive enough mentorship, coaching and support from more experienced colleagues and leadership.

They’re often just thrown into the deep end expected to sink or swim on their own.

More experienced team members preoccupied with their own quotas may disregard questions or requests for assistance from junior sales reps.

Without proper training and guidance, sales reps can quickly become overwhelmed trying to figure out processes, products, and selling techniques through trial and error.

This lack of investment in their professional development leaves reps feeling adrift and expendable.

Combine this with higher target expectations, is a recipe for sales reps burning out.

8. Facing constant rejections

While determined salespeople are hardwired to handle rejection, there’s a limit to how much the psyche can endure.

In tough markets or with unripe leads, reps find themselves rejected constantly by prospects.

The emotional toll of persistently being told “no” becomes demoralizing over time.

Their confidence wanes and they begin doubting their abilities, no matter how resilient they may be.

9. Lack of career development

Top salespeople are ambitious and driven to continue growing their skills and advancing their careers.

Working for a company that fails to provide sufficient training, skill development, or viable paths for upward mobility and progression can make reps feel stuck in a dead end.

When opportunities for enrichment and career growth aren’t available, sales pros become disillusioned and disengaged rather than inspired to take their performance to new heights.

10. Mismatch of role and strengths

There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to salespeople.

I believe that – “Not all B2B sales professionals have the mindset and skills to consistently perform across different roles.”

Each person possesses their own unique strengths, personality traits, and motivators that make them successful in different selling environments.

Sales management should take an informed call to ensure the right person is in the right sales role.

When there’s a misalignment between the demands of a particular sales role and an individual’s inherent abilities and interests, problems arise.

For example – A sales rep is a star in new client acquisitions for enterprise sales, thrived as a hunter, excelling in identifying and closing new business deals.

But when promoted to a key account manager, (a farmer role) focused on nurturing existing client relationships, he will start facing challenges.

This role demands patience and a consultative approach, contrasting with his natural inclination towards the excitement of new wins.

Despite his efforts, he struggled with engagement and performance, leading to frustration and burnout.

11. Changing market dynamics

Today’s sales landscape is in constant flux driven by factors like evolving customer needs, new technologies, economic conditions, and increased competition.

To stay relevant, salespeople face immense pressure to continuously learn new products, strategies and adapt to industry shifts.

While able to thrive in changing markets is something that will define sales rep’s career, 

the combination of this disruption and uncertainty adds considerable stress as reps strive to keep their skills and knowledge current.

Eventually, the fatigue of having to reinvent themselves sparks burnout.

12. Lack of personal achievement

At its core, sales is a results-driven field where individual achievement is quantified and visible.

From quotas and targets to leader boards and rankings, metrics rule all.

For reps who fail to consistently meet their goals and struggling to demonstrate success, a nagging sense of underachievement can set in.

They begin questioning their abilities and the deeper meaning behind their work.

A prolonged failure to make measurable progress toward personal

accomplishments eats away at their motivation.

As sales managers you need support them in their down phase rather then blaming them completely.

Impact of Sales Burnout on Organization

When a sales rep is facing burnout, it not only affects him on individual level, it has a serious impact on the organization as well.

1. Impact on revenue numbers

A salesperson is responsible in bringing revenue to the organization. 

But when burnout sets in, sales reps struggle to maintain their previous high levels of productivity and effectiveness.

Their inability to perform at peak capacity has a direct negative impact on the organization’s sales numbers and revenue generation.

With burned-out reps operating in a perpetual fog of mental and physical exhaustion, they make fewer calls, convert fewer leads, and close fewer deals.

Lack of prospecting efforts lead to weaker pipelines.

Presentation skills and negotiation tactics suffer from lack of energy and enthusiasm.

Overall sales cycles stagnate and lag.

This steady decline in individual sales performance results in the organization falling short of its targets and growth objectives.

Even with the top talent struggling, the cumulative effect is felt across the entire sales organization. 

As burnout becomes more widespread, the compounding loss of revenue takes a major toll.

2. Increase in sales attrition

One of the most financially draining impacts of sales burnout is increased attrition of sales reps.

As passion for the job fades, top performers become increasingly disengaged and more likely to seek employment elsewhere.

Organizations end up losing their invaluable veteran salespeople with important customer accounts and industry knowledge that’s extremely difficult to replace.

Those left behind face drastically increased workloads trying to absorb territories and clients from former colleagues.

Also when the existing team sees that salespeople are starting to leave, they will directly question the management or organization’s dynamics.

Once that domino effect of departures begins, it perpetuates a vicious cycle that will only further compound burnout among remaining staff.

The hard costs associated with backfilling these sales roles adds up quickly.

Beyond separation packages, recruitment fees for head-hunters, and training costs for ramping new sales reps, there’s also lost productivity and institutional knowledge that walks out the door – expenses that can’t be easily recouped.

3. It hurts the whole team spirit

Burnout has an insidious way of spreading negative attitudes and toxicity across teams.

As one salesperson becomes overwhelmed, cynical, and apathetic, such behaviour tend to infect the whole team as well.

Pretty soon, instead of working together as a team, burned out salespeople become selfish.

They stop helping each other out or sharing good ideas.

Arguments and fights happen more often over little things because everyone is stressed and has no patience.

This bad environment makes it really hard for anyone to sell well.

Even the best salespeople have a tough time staying positive when the whole team is so negative.

4. Damage to customer relationships

Salespeople operating in a burned-out state simply cannot provide the high-quality customer experiences and attentive service buyers now expect.

With reps constantly feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and distracted, responsiveness starts to slip through the cracks.

Important client communications like follow-ups, status updates and requests get missed or deprioritized.

Burned-out salespeople may inadvertently come across as apathetic or dismissive even with precious accounts they once doted on.

Lack of preparation and attention to detail creates poor interactions that fall short of expectations.

Over time, these ever-degrading customer touchpoints erode hard-earned rapport and trust.

Long-time loyal customers begin questioning whether the company values their business.

Client churn rates rise as relationships deteriorate beyond repair – a direct hit to the organization’s revenue base.

5. Increased training and recruitment costs

When sales reps leave due to burnout, the organization faces significant costs and disruptions to replace that departed talent.

Between severance pay, recruiter fees, signing bonuses and relocation expenses, the financial toll for each departed employee can easily reach into the tens of thousands of dollars.

But the real costs go far beyond just recruitment and hiring of replacements.

Extensive time and resources must be again dedicated to training each new sales hire on products, processes, technologies, territories, and accounts. 

This recovery period where rookies ramp up to full productivity results in substantial revenue delays and opportunity costs.

For example, a report by The Bridge Group stats that it takes around 3.2 months to ramp up new sales reps.

During that onboarding and training phase, overall sales capacity remains diminished.

Client relationships and momentum are disrupted.

Recurring turnover forces sales enablement and management to continually restart these draining cycles rather than driving strategic initiatives.

6. They make more mistakes

Burnout involves much more than just diminished productivity – it directly impacts the accuracy and quality of a sales rep’s work output.

As exhaustion, cynicism, and disengagement take root, important details start slipping through the cracks.

Salespeople have difficulty concentrating and maintaining the crucial attention to detail.

They start making careless mistakes like :

Simple oversights and sloppy execution become frequent occurrences.

These preventable errors create significant downstream inefficiencies that compound across the entire sales cycle.

They require tedious rework to correct while taking time that could be spent on productive revenue-generating activities.

Management must commit extra resources for excessive quality control and oversight.

7. Impact on innovation and growth

Beyond just core selling activities, organizations rely on their sales teams to act as a vital strategic force driving growth through innovation and proactive behaviours.

Unfortunately, burnout severely limits this collaborative capacity for business development.

When reps are mentally tapped out and struggling just to execute day-to-day, they become singularly tactical in focus.

Broader strategic thinking, creative problem-solving, and overall engagement will vanish.

With the entire sales force operating in survival mode, no excess energy exists to pioneer fresh initiatives or explore untapped markets.

This stagnation puts the organization at severe risk of being leapfrogged by more pioneering, energized competitors.

Impact of Sales Burnout on Individual Sales Reps

1. Physical health issues

The relentless grind of burnout places immense physical strain on the body.

Sustained high stress causes a wide range of acute and chronic health problems.

Common physical manifestations of sales burnout include chronic fatigue, insomnia, frequent illness, headaches etc

Essentially the wear-and-tear of being in a prolonged state of emergency mode without adequate recovery wreaks havoc on the body’s natural defences.

2. Mental health challenges

While the corporeal effects are apparent, sales burnout often takes its biggest toll mentally and emotionally.

Individuals may experience :

  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Negativity
  • Detachment
  • Mood swings
  • Difficulty Concentrating
  • Indecisiveness
  • Cynical attitudes
  • Self-Doubt
  • Lack of Motivation

All this will deteriorate the mental and emotional health of the individual.

3. Decrease in job satisfaction

A direct by-product of burnout is lower job satisfaction.

Reps who previously found deep meaning and fulfilment in their sales roles become utterly demoralized and disenchanted.

The intrinsic motivations that once fuelled them completely fizzle out.

Burned-out salespeople view their jobs as not worth their time and efforts.

Their passion for client service fades into apathy.

Even major wins on lucrative deals fail to provide the same dopamine hits they once did.

Overall, any sense of enjoyment and appreciation for the work evaporates.

The individual goes through the motions for a paycheck rather than any desire to excel. 

4. Poor relationships (both professional & personal)

The increased stress, and depleted emotional reserves that come with burnout inherently strain both professional and personal relationships.

On the job, burned out sales reps tend to isolate themselves from colleagues, have shorter patience for collaboration, and exhibit hostile attitudes during conflicts.

Irritability and negativity make it difficult for them to maintain positive dynamics with co-workers and managers.

Bursts of anger over minor issues damage the trust and goodwill across teams.

The burned-out individual becomes less of a team player, and more self-absorbed in their own struggles.

In their personal lives, the same difficult moods and detachment patterns contaminate dynamics with friends and family members.

5. Higher risk of substance abuse

In their desperation to cope with the tremendous strain, some sales reps turn to self-medicating through substance abuse as a way to numb physical and emotional pain.

What starts as having a few extra drinks to relieve stress can quickly spiral into alcoholism and addiction.

Relying on uppers like nicotine or caffeine to artificially manufacture energy leads to dependence and health issues.

Abusing prescriptions sedatives or painkillers to aid sleep or relax becomes a dangerous cycle.

In some extreme cases it may even turn to illicit drugs as a misguided coping mechanism.

Not only can substance abuse compound issues like anxiety and depression associated with burnout, but it also creates brand new personal and professional hazards.

6. Career dissatisfaction

Long-term burnout may lead individuals to question their career choices, potentially leading to a desire to change jobs or leave the sales profession altogether.

8 Steps to Avoid Burnout in Your Sales Team

1. Set realistic sales targets

While a level of ambitious targeting can motivate strong performers, unrealistic expectations only breed insecurity and demoralization when constantly missed.

Sales leadership must carefully analyse market data, past benchmarks, and strategic initiatives to set targets that balance “hitting the number” with safeguarding team wellbeing. 

2. Offer professional development opportunities

Continuously investing in sales team’s professional growth is one of the most powerful burnout antidotes.

Conducting regular sales training programs on latest skills, techniques, and industry trends keeps reps feeling challenged, valued, and engaged in their career progress.

3. Encourage open conversations about burnout

Your sales reps should not hesitate when speaking with you about their mental health.

Reps should feel part of a supportive, trust-based culture that prioritizes open communication and collaboration over cutthroat competition.

From onboarding through training periods, there must be a sense of psychological safety where salespeople can freely share struggles, ideas, and honest feedback without fear of punishment or negative repercussions.

An “us vs. them” dynamic with leadership is incredibly damaging.

4. Recognize and reward good performance

While financial compensation and lucrative commission plans will always be primary motivators, burnout studies show consistent recognition and “small wins” are equally vital psychological needs.

The most effective organizations implement robust recognition programs that extend beyond just celebrating quarterly revenue achievements.

The key is making recognition frequent, timely, specific, and meaningful rather than transactional and arbitrary.

This fortifies intrinsic motivation, morale and esteem – all of which reinforce positive identities.

5. Arrange wellness programs

A comprehensive health and wellness strategy is a powerful burnout deterrent.

This includes resources for improving physical wellbeing like on-site fitness facilities, standing desks, healthy catered meals, and even subscriptions to meditation/mindfulness apps.

For mental and emotional care, it means offering employee assistance programs granting free access to counselling, therapy, coaching, and psychiatric care as needed. Proactive training on resilience, stress management, work-life balance and more equip reps with coping tools.

6. Immediately address any toxic behaviors

Imagine your sales team is like a sports team where everyone needs to work together to win.

Now, if one or two players start playing unfairly or being mean, it makes the game less fun and harder for everyone.

That’s like toxic behavior in the workplace.

When someone acts in a way that’s not nice or fair, like being disrespectful, playing politics, or worst case even getting physical, it’s important to take strict actions quickly.

By stepping in early to address these behaviors, you’re showing your team that respect, collaboration, and positivity are non-negotiable.

And further reinforces trust in leadership.

7. Lead by example

Being a leader, your sales team looks up to you.

So if you’re following practices that lead to burnout, your sales team will follow your steps.

So before you want your team to take steps to prevent burnout, you need to start applying those in your routine.

Sit with your team and share how you take occasional breaks, follow a healthy lifestyle and maintain a work-life balance to avoid burnout.

And encourage them to follow the same.

8. Make use of employee experience tools

Utilize advanced employee experience tools and platforms like and Culture Amp to continuously monitor and measure the well-being of sales reps.

These tools can provide invaluable insights into the overall mood, engagement levels, and job satisfaction of your team through regular surveys, pulse checks, and feedback mechanisms.

By analysing this data, sales leaders can identify patterns or signs of burnout early on.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, sales burnout not only affects individual performance but also has a significant impact on the overall organization.

Recognizing the signs, addressing causes, and implementing preventive strategies are crucial to maintaining a positive work environment and supporting the well-being of your sales teams.

Remember, a productive sales team is key to overall organization’s success.


About the Author

Picture of C Rajasekaran
C Rajasekaran
CR is the Co-Founder of Sales & Profit and an experienced B2B Sales & talent Consultant. With selling as his core skill, he has built and executed several sales strategies and sales talent strategies for organizations. He has 30 years of experience in sales leadership roles in companies like IBM, Cable & Wireless, Verizon & Telstra.
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