Postman Sales Rep Vs Consultative Sales Rep

I’ve heard many leaders and business owners express concerns about declining new business.

Most of the revenue now comes from existing accounts and reduced margins even when deals are won.

Despite offering quality products, reliable delivery, strong post-sales support, and competitive pricing, the issue persists.

In my experience of focusing on improving B2B sales metrics, I’ve uncovered some unfortunate insights into these issues.

One of these is the prevalence of ‘Courier Sales Reps’ in nearly every company.

Who is a Postman/Courier Sales Representative?

Though the term is self-explanatory – The term Postman/ Courier Sales Representative refers to a type of salesperson who operates in a transactional, delivery-focused manner, similar to how a postman or courier delivers packages

These folks are essentially “order takers” who typically don’t add significant value in customer conversations (Because they don’t have the right skills/ knowledge).

Their approach is primarily product-centric, emphasizing features, price, and delivery, with limited understanding of the client’s broader needs or business goals.

They often rely on standard pitches and product knowledge, responding mainly to the client’s stated needs rather than uncovering deeper requirements or challenges.

Difference Between Postman Sales VS Consultative Sales Rep

(Click on the image to view it bigger)

There are multiple factors that contribute to shifting an organization’s sales culture away from Postman selling.

I hope the comparative view above can help in self-diagnosing whether any of your sales reps exhibit traits of a Postman Sales Rep. 

Assess if your sales team is functioning like "Postman" or "Consultant"

Sales Team Assessment

Discover if your sales team functions more like a Postman or a Consultant.

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About the Author

Picture of Vishal Mehta
Vishal Mehta
Vishal is passionate about the science part of B2B Sales. He is a Co-founder of “B2B Sales” company –Sales & Profit (SalesPro Business Solutions Pvt Ltd) – It is into Sales Consulting, Sales Technology, Sales Training, Sales Recruitment and Lead generation.You can reach him @
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