4 Categories of Customers Based on Their Understanding of “NEED”

Based on my experience of multiple client meetings and discussions with sales reps/leaders over time, I have tried to segregate prospective B2B customers in 4 categories based on customer’s understanding of her “need’ and awareness about the “solution”.

I personally feel very few enterprise sellers are able to manage category 3 customers.

This category 3 customers, unlike category 4,  is ready to take a decision. However many sellers feel – client is not serious as he/she is not able to articulate the need well.

(Click on the image to enlarge it)


About the Author

Picture of Vishal Mehta
Vishal Mehta
Vishal is passionate about the science part of B2B Sales. He is a Co-founder of - Sales & Profit which is into Sales Consulting, Sales Training and Sales RecruitmentYou can reach him @ vishal.mehta@salesprofit.in
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